Expand your NDT Skills with us
We offer diverse online and inhouse ultrasonic testing trainings. Such as:
- Product training for our ultrasonic testing gauges
- Basic training on non-contact inspection methods
Non-Contact Ultrasonic Testing
In cooperation with the ultrasonic research center „Forschungszentrum Ultraschall (FZ-U)“ we are offering training courses for air-coupled ultrasonic testing. The FZ-U is among the globally leading ultrasonic institutes and has a high expertise in the inspection of materials and structures through air-coupled UT. The trainings consist of theoretical and practical parts including simulations and live testing demonstrations. In addition, participants can bring their own test samples to evaluate them professionally with the FZ-U experts.
With lectures and practical demonstrations, the training courses provide a profound introduction to air-coupled UT. In addition to the special features of this testing method, it’s potential and limitations are explored. The practical demonstration covers image formation, possibilities of signal evaluation, and resolving power.
In addition, participants will have the opportunity to examine materials from their testing practice with expert support. The training is aimed at scientists and technicians from the fields of quality assurance and component testing as well as development engineers from the field of lightweight construction.
- Physical fundamentals of air-coupled ultrasonic testing
- Test methods (transmission, lamb waves, pulse-echo)
- Technical requirements: state of the art and new developments
- Test examples from lightweight construction (composite materials (e. g. GRFP, CFRP), bondings)
- Practical demonstration in the test laboratory
- Possibility to test own samples
- etc.
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact us! We will be happy to help you.